Lesson 1 | 2 | 3 | 4

Lesson 5 | 6 | 7 | 8

Lesson 9 | 10 | 11 | 12

The Samaritan story has been faithfully told through the Church for many generations. It resonates with people in many ways—inspiring us to do “good.”

Getting Started

Please read about Lectio Divina before the first lesson if you’re unfamiliar with it.

A Bibliography is currently available in draft form.

There are 12 one-hour lessons.

There are 6 sections per lesson.

  • Section 1: Reflection Reading with discussion questions + prompts (7 mins)

  • Section 2: Scripture Reading (Luke 10:25-37) with discussion questions + prompts (10 mins)

  • Sections 3: Video/Audio with discussion questions + prompts (10 mins)

  • Sections 4: Reading Assignment with discussion questions + prompts (10 mins)

  • Section 5: Contemplative Exercises such as Lectio Divina, Florilegium, Creative Writing, & Crafted Prayer—with instructions, discussion questions + prompts for each exercise (15 mins)

  • Section 6: Discussion Question with prompts & a short closing Prayer (8 mins)

NOTES: The times shown above are for Lesson 1. The actual times for Sections 3 & 4 may vary slightly to accommodate the length of the reading and video. Lessons 5 & 10 combine Sections 3 & 4 with a longer Video.

Additional Instructions

When possible, write down your thoughts, answers, etc. for each section.

Readings of the Bible can be silent or spoken.

GROUPS: Do your best to be attentive. Listen while others are speaking. Be patient & kind. Be an open-minded observer. Hear yourself as you speak. Speak softly & thoughtfully. Be brief when you speak.

INDIVIDUALS: If you are doing this devotional on your own, there are several ways to integrate it into your schedule. If time is limited, you can do one section a day (5-15 mins) for six days and then rest (Sabbath) or spend time in prayer on the seventh day. You could also do a one-hour lesson over the weekend. If you have plenty of time, you can do a lesson everyday. You can also extend each lesson by lengthening the time you devote to the discussion questions and prompts in each section. For example, adding 5 mins to each of the 6 sections will add 30 mins to the one hour lesson (it is now 1.5 hrs).

FACILITATORS: If you are facilitating a workshop or weekend retreat, you can do several lessons a day. Each lesson stands on its own.

PASTORS: If you are a pastor using the devotional for sermon prep, you can study the lessons until you feel like you have a good start for a sermon or sermon series. Each of the reflection readings have useful insights so you should get some “good” ideas from the 12 lessons.

TEACHERS/LEADERS: If you are a Sunday School teacher, Small Group, or Bible Study leader, you can work through a lesson once-a-week for 3 months. If you only have 45 mins, you can leave out Section 5, or look for other options.

We hope you experience God’s life-changing love in the story of the Good Samaritan.